

Encode a read-file reference in base64.

This function is based from the PHP source code and it seems slightly faster than base64_encode (see below).

This functions contains a part of code under PHP license :
You must agree the terms of this (free) license and inform the users.

Prototype :

fun [P] S

Return : S the encoded content of the file.

See also

Example :

Send an image file to a web server

fun CBreceive (inet, u, data, err)=
  if err == 0 then
    _fooS strcat ">>>>>>>CBreceive current>>>>>>> " data;
    let u -> [s] in
    mutate u <- [strcat s data];
  else if err == 1 then
    let u -> [s] in
    _fooS strcat ">>>>>>>CBreceive end>>>>>>> " s;
    _fooS strcat ">>>>>>>CBreceive err>>>>>>> " itoa err;

fun main ()=
  let _getpack _checkpack "examples/image.jpg" -> file in  // get the file content
  let base64encodeP file -> file64 in  // encode to base64
  let strtoweb file64 -> file64web in  // convert to web character
  let "http://domin.tld/post.php" -> url in
  let strcat "image=" file64web -> data in
  INETGetURLex2 _channel "POST" url "content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" data 0 @CBreceive [""];