
Scene Tree and Resources

The OpenSpace3D scene tree is a tool that displays all the resources present in the scene as well as their hierarchy.

The general interface of this tool is as follows:



Tabs of the resources of the current group. When you choose a resource group in the scene tree, the content of the following tabs will match their content.


Filter the content of the scene tree by keyword.


Move a list of nodes in the scene tree.


The tree of elements contained in the scene.

Each of the elements of the tree of a scene loaded in OpenSpace3D is represented by an icon which characterizes it.




Scene Representation of the principal node of the 3D application.
Compositors Representation of a Compositor resource.
Camera Representation of a camera.
Light Representation of a light.
Group Representation of a resource group.
Mesh Representation of a 3d object.
Noeud Representation of a scene node.
Animation Representation of an animation.
Sky Representation of a sky object.
Bones Representation of a bone object.
Particle system Representation of a particle system.
Dynamic cube map Representation of a dynamic cube map object
Dynamic Reflection map Representation of a dynamic reflection map object.

It is by right-clicking on the different elements of the scene tree that you access the different menus relating to each resource in the tree.


Scene menu

Feature Description
Set rendering setting Render parameters of the scene. More informations
Set Shadow Method Shadow method Parameter of the scene in real time.
Set Fog setting Fog Parameter of the 3D scene.
Set environment setting Environnement parameters of the scene. More informations
Set Material Scheme Set the scene default material scheme
Set physic setting Physical parameters of the 3D scene.
Show scene grid Display/Hide the grid in the 3D scene.
Show scene helpers Display/Hide the icons for the dummies, cameras or lights.
Show scene infos Displays the technical information of the scene (Frames per second, number of faces in the view, etc ...)
Auto fit on select Enable/Disable the auto-center on an object when it is selected.
Show all objects Show all hidden objects in the scene
Add sky box Add a sky box in the 3D scene.
Add sky dome Add a sky dome in the 3D scene.
Add sky plan Add a sky plan in the 3D scene.
Add compositor Add a compositor in the 3D scene.)
Add mesh Add a mesh in the 3D scene.
Add Camera Add a camera in the 3D scene.
Add Light Add a light in the 3D scene.
Add Dummy Add a dummy in the 3D scene.
Add dynamic cube map Dynamically add a cubemap.
Add dynamic reflection map Add a dynamic reflection map or a dynamic refraction map.
Add Particle system Add a particle system in the 3D scene.
Import to scene Import a supported file (.xos, .scene,.OBJ,.FBX, etc) into the scene.
Add resources to scene Add graphics resource in the scene.
Add new Group Add a new group.